
Scala Code Coverage Tool



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Usage for the 0.1-SNAPSHOT version

This version is no longer maintained.

Add the following to project/plugins/Plugins.scala:

    import sbt._
    class Plugins(info: ProjectInfo) extends PluginDefinition(info) {
      val scctRepo = "scct-repo" at ""
      lazy val scctPlugin = "reaktor" % "scct-sbt-for-2.9.1" % "0.1-SNAPSHOT"

Have your project extend reaktor.scct.ScctProject:

    import sbt._
    import reaktor.scct.ScctProject
    class MyProject(i: ProjectInfo) extends DefaultProject(i) with ScctProject {
      // ...

Run your unit tests with:

$ sbt test-coverage

Then open:



Please see for instruction on usage with sbt 0.10+

Assuming you are using maven-scala-plugin...

First, make sure your main and test scalac binding goals are separated in the plugin configuration and have referenceable ID's, so we can extend the main compilation with instrumentation support. Something like this:


Then add a custom profile which binds the coverage instrumentation to the main compilation goal by ID, and sets all the necessary environment variables for the test run:

            <id>scct repository</id>

Run your unit tests with:

$ mvn -Pcoverage clean test

Then open:



Download scct jar.

Compile and instrument your source:

    $ scalac -Xplugin:scct_2.9.1-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar \\
        -classpath .:scct_2.9.1-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar Test.scala

Run something:

$ scala -classpath .:scct_2.9.1-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar Test

Then open:


Add the following to project/plugins/Plugins.scala:

    import sbt._
    class Plugins(info: ProjectInfo) extends PluginDefinition(info) {
      val scctRepo = "scct-repo" at ""
      lazy val scctPlugin = "reaktor" % "scct-sbt-for-2.9" % "0.1-SNAPSHOT"

Have your project extend reaktor.scct.ScctProject:

    import sbt._
    import reaktor.scct.ScctProject
    class MyProject(i: ProjectInfo) extends DefaultProject(i) with ScctProject {
      // ...

Run your unit tests with:

$ sbt test-coverage

Then open:



Please see for instruction on usage with sbt 0.10+

Assuming you are using maven-scala-plugin...

First, make sure your main and test scalac binding goals are separated in the plugin configuration and have referenceable ID's, so we can extend the main compilation with instrumentation support. Something like this:


Then add a custom profile which binds the coverage instrumentation to the main compilation goal by ID, and sets all the necessary environment variables for the test run:

            <id>scct repository</id>

Run your unit tests with:

$ mvn -Pcoverage clean test

Then open:



Download scct jar.

Compile and instrument your source:

    $ scalac -Xplugin:scct_2.9.0-1-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar \\
        -classpath .:scct_2.9.0-1-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar Test.scala

Run something:

$ scala -classpath .:scct_2.9.0-1-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar Test

Then open:


Add the following to project/plugins/Plugins.scala:

    import sbt._
    class Plugins(info: ProjectInfo) extends PluginDefinition(info) {
      val scctRepo = "scct-repo" at ""
      lazy val scctPlugin = "reaktor" % "sbt-scct-for-2.8" % "0.1-SNAPSHOT"

Have your project extend reaktor.scct.ScctProject:

    import sbt._
    import reaktor.scct.ScctProject
    class MyProject(i: ProjectInfo) extends DefaultProject(i) with ScctProject {
      // ...

Run your unit tests with:

$ sbt test-coverage

Then open:



Assuming you are using maven-scala-plugin...

First, make sure your main and test scalac binding goals are separated in the plugin configuration and have referenceable ID's, so we can extend the main compilation with instrumentation support. Something like this:


Then add a custom profile which binds the coverage instrumentation to the main compilation goal by ID, and sets all the necessary environment variables for the test run:

            <id>scct repository</id>

Run your unit tests with:

$ mvn -Pcoverage clean test

Then open:



Download scct jar.

Compile and instrument your source:

    $ scalac -Xplugin:scct_2.8.0-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar \\
        -classpath .:scct_2.8.0-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar Test.scala

Run something:

$ scala -classpath .:scct_2.8.0-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar Test

Then open:


Add the following to project/plugins/Plugins.scala:

    import sbt._
    class Plugins(info: ProjectInfo) extends PluginDefinition(info) {
      val scctRepo = "scct-repo" at ""
      lazy val scctPlugin = "reaktor" % "sbt-scct" % "0.1-SNAPSHOT"

Have your project extend reaktor.scct.ScctProject:

    import sbt._
    import reaktor.scct.ScctProject
    class MyProject(i: ProjectInfo) extends DefaultProject(i) with ScctProject {
      // ...

Run your unit tests with:

$ sbt test-coverage

Then open:



Assuming you are using maven-scala-plugin...

First, make sure your main and test scalac binding goals are separated in the plugin configuration and have referenceable ID's, so we can extend the main compilation with instrumentation support. Something like this:


Then add a custom profile which binds the coverage instrumentation to the main compilation goal by ID, and sets all the necessary environment variables for the test run:

            <id>scct repository</id>

Run your unit tests with:

$ mvn -Pcoverage clean test

Then open:



Download scct jar.

Compile and instrument your source:

    $ scalac -Xplugin:scct_2.7.7-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar \\
        -classpath .:scct_2.7.7-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar Test.scala

Run something:

$ scala -classpath .:scct_2.7.7-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar Test

Then open:
